Will European Union accept Turkey to enter the union?

Will they refuse Turkey to enter the union even if Turkey does the "homeworks" very well? Why they will accept or not?
  • 1 Answer :

  • "The EU doesn't want Turkey in. If they did, Turkey would have been a member many years ago. I find it strange that the Eastern European States are entering the EU so easily, while Turkey, a very powerful country, that would add much to the EU, is barred from entry. I am also surprised that the Turks still want to join the EU, it's such an insult to Turkish Pride, I mean, this IS Turkey afterall, the Ex-Ottoman Empire, being insulted by Europeans who refuse it entry into a regional union. When countries like Slovenia get in so quickly and Turkey is left out like that, I'ld look elsewhere for friends. Europe is confused and hypocritical. Sad sad sad."

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